Driving through the rugged, dramatic and arid landscape along the John Day River, one might wonder what kind of food could be grown here. Drop into the small valleys that dot the route and you’ll see the difference a little water, rich soil and a lot of hard work can make. Patches of lush green grass and alfalfa, robust gardens and incredible fruit orchards located in Kimberly (which draws fruit lovers from throughout eastern and central Oregon) tell the real story.
Click on each stop below to add it to your itinerary.
4. Earthly Home Natural Market
5. Grant County Farmers Market
8. Dayville Merc - no longer open
11. Cant Ranch, John Day Fossil Beds
14. John Day River Trading Post - no longer open
25. Wilson Ranches Retreat Bed & Breakfast
26. The Corrals Campground & Shuttle Service
27. Condon Community Summer Concert & Artisan Market
29. Cottonwood Canyon State Park
32. Grass Valley Farmers Market