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Baker Heritage Museum

Baker Heritage Museum

Housed in the historic 1920 Natatorium, the Baker Heritage Museum, formerly the Oregon Trail Regional Museum, displays and interprets the rich history of the region including a unique rock and mineral collection, historic memorabilia, mining, Oregon Trail artifacts and more.

Permanent and changing exhibits of mining, timber, ranching, agriculture, early Baker City life, Chinese culture and wildlife fill the 33,000 square foot building. Whether you spend an hour or spend the day touring the museum, you will come away with an appreciation for this region of Eastern Oregon and the people who settled there.

Baker Heritage Museum is open daily March through October

*Pick up your Passport & Collect unique stamps throughout Baker County!


KNOW BEFORE YOU GO: Detailed accessibility information is available for this location on BluePath, a trip-planning resource for people with disabilities. Explore here.

Contact Info

2480 Grove Street
Baker City, OR